There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Granola Bars and the Guy With Two of Everything

...well, I think he had two of everything.  They kind of glossed over some of the details, thankfully.

This was the "winter finale", whatever that means, and the show was unusually good.  A building in Manhattan (not our Manhattan, as things turn out) is experiencing earthquakes, then is transported from their dimension into ours, causing horrible problems for one of its inhabitants.  (I've placed the actor, by the way -- he was one of the detectives on HBO's show The Wire.)

Walter determines that Olivia is the best bet for figuring out which of our buildings is likely to vanish.  He brings her to a padlocked building in Florida that's been sitting empty for 20 years -- has anyone noticed on this show that places just sit vacant for decades, completely unchanged and not really all that dusty, considering?  But anyway -- he brings her down there, gets her in a sexy tanktop (thanks Walter!) and feeds her full of drugs so she thinks she's wandering around in the woods somewhere around Vancouver.

After a freaky woodland encounter with her childhood self, she awakens... unable to do anything unusual.  Hmmm.  But at least she's in a tanktop.  Then they're back in New York, where she gets so scared that she and Peter almost kiss, and then, whoa, she can see a shimmering building.  Which the police evacuate in about 30 seconds -- I'm sure that always works -- just in time for it to get sucked into another dimension.

Good work, guys.

Our food tonight was granola bars and tea (is tea a food?), and I brought some sushi along.  I was intending to get sushi for the Lost premiere, but the restaurant was closed.  Maybe they are Lost fans too?

There's no more Fringe until April 1st.  That will be a long enough lag that some of you (and possibly we) will forget what Walter ate tonight.  The answer is: pretzels.  He also ate some apple sauce.


  1. LOL at the sexy tanktop. Honestly, I was expecting her to end up in her underwear again, as she usually does for Walter's drug trip experiments. :)

    Well, as you are painfully aware, I fully enjoyed this show. I almost spontaneously combusted. A great combination of fun freakiness and drama.

    See you in April!!

  2. Yes the ratings must be doing okay if they didn't feel the need to resort to underwear again.

    I've been meaning to mention -- this is a TERRIBLE show, and none of you should watch it. Certainly not men from 18 to 34 years old.

    I can't believe we have to wait until April! What are we going to do?

