There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mutants and Pizza

In the real world, an electromagnetic pulse is something that destroys electronics and is generally created by nuclear explosions.  In the world of Fringe though, it makes mutants invisible, and is created by something that looks a lot like an old diesel generator in somebody's basement.  But hey, we didn't get together to critique the science involved, we got together to eat pizza!

This week's episode involved a visit to a creepy town in upstate New York (yes, they do exist) that has a deep dark secret that revolves around military experiments in the 1970s.  The X-Files overtones were even stronger than usual, but I didn't spot any overt references.  There was one nod to "Deliverance" though.

I was growing concerned about Walter's lack of food fixations -- last week we were forced to go with the food that Olivia and Peter were eating, because all Walter mentioned was cream soda.  But I was surprised and amazed when Walter pulled some very old files out from behind somewhere and produced a box of something nobody watching with me had seen.  It's glorious East coast junk food and is being shipped here from New York.

Hopefully Fringe will settle back into its previous once-weekly-on-Thursday routine and we can stop guessing when they'll air them.  We've joked about doing Lost parties but we're afraid of what we'd end up eating.  I think we'd better stick with Fringe.


  1. I didn't even realize Devil Dogs were an East coast thing! Glad you could get your hands on some. I haven't had them in ages, but now I'm wondering if I could find them at the store....

  2. Yes they're made by a company in Texas and apparently only marketed in the Northeast. I wrote Drake's a series of increasingly unhinged letters after moving here. I claimed to be suffering from "Devil Dog Withdrawal". Sadly they did not take my claims seriously and refused to provide me with a crate of Devil Dogs as I requested.

  3. Devil Dogs > Twinkies. I'm going to envy you this week. Maybe I should remember to check the store....

  4. Check! You can join us in spirit if nothing else. :)

