There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Zombies and Devil Dogs

I was very surprised and happy to see Walter pull a box of (very old) Devil Dogs out of a secret hiding place last week.  I don't blame him; Devil Dogs are really good. Unfortunately they are impossible to find out here on the West Coast, so I had to do a bit of calling around before locating a company in New York that would ship me a box.  After explaining the urgency involved, they agreed to send some along by Priority Mail.

Neither of my fellow Partiers had tried them before, but they were a hit.  Unfortunately, I nearly managed to miss the episode because I was on the phone with a client, and arrived about fifteen minutes late.  As punishment, there was really no proper food in this week's episode.  We were reduced to going through the contents of the refrigerator when Walter is looking for a cure... but I'm getting ahead of myself here.

So: the show.  A guy walks into an office with something dripping from his nose.  I was having X-Files flashbacks again, because it looked like that black oily stuff to me -- but no, it was blood.  He collapses, bike messenger guy does CPR on him, then he gets all crinkly and spews red stuff everywhere.

Soon Olivia and Peter show up, and it's apparent that they have some kind of contagion on their hands.  They manage to (mostly) contain it to one office building though, and ... well really the whole thing was very derivative.  If you want to see this done better and much creepier rent a movie called Quarantine.

But that movie didn't have a happy ending.  Why?  Because Walter was not there to find a cure for the plague in five minutes using the contents of a refrigerator.  Walter is AMAZING, but couldn't he have said something about tiramisu, or coffee cake, or even mashed potatoes?  I think somebody is screwing with us.


  1. Can you at least just spread it on a sandwich or something? Kind of disguise it? That's not cheating. No need to eat it straight from the jar.

    Hey, it's your curse - sometimes you get pizza and beer or devil dogs, sometimes you get horseradish.

  2. I think the current plan is bacon horseradish dip for chips. My idea of sushi ("wasabi" sold in the US is mostly horseradish) was nixed.

  3. Ooo now you've got me thinking outside the box. So I did a search and now I want these: and these:

    Great, I'm actually craving horseradish now.

    But I like your idea - everything's better with bacon!!

