There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Friday, January 8, 2010

You Cannot Be Serious

Last night was scheduled to be our first fix of Fringe in several weeks, after an unexplained lull from Fox.

But it was not to be.

I arrived with some "chicken wings", as requested by Walter in the last episode.  They were from KFC and the boneless variety.  I thought they were pretty good myself (fried in lard and sprinkled with crack, probably), but my compatriots did not seem quite as excited.

The real trouble though: Fringe did come on at 9, but it was the episode we watched last time!

After the denial lifted ("maybe it's a flashback scene!"), we determined that the new episode would air on Monday.  But we watched the re-run -- it was a pretty good one after all, and there was pudding to be eaten as well -- and after it was done Fox ran a commercial saying that the next episode of Fringe would be on next Thursday.

I'm still confused about what is going on.  The official Fringe site says Monday, the Fringe widget (visible at the bottom of this page) says Monday as well.  So I'm really, really hoping they'll air the new episode on Monday.


  1. OMG and WTF. LOL.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who was disappointed. I could've sworn there was a new one too. I checked the TV schedule online before leaving work though, so I knew before I got home. I still was pissed though.

    So here's the scheduling deal: There's a new episode Monday. However it's actually an unaired episode from the 1st season. So it's probably a stand-alone type. Then Thursday we get a new one. So thank god. TWO IN ONE WEEK! :)

    This also means Chuck and Fringe on the same night, which does my geek heart good.

  2. Wait, so... now I am truly confused.

    This monday they are airing an episode that isn't really new but is at least unaired (so new to US at least). On the plus side, in the first season Olivia appeared twice in her underwear -- not that I was keeping track or anything -- so there is that.

    Then Thursday there is an actually new episode.

    So... after that, are they on Thursdays (as before) or Mondays? And why on earth did they air the last one on Thursday instead of the other one?

    I'm very confused. I feel like someone's been taking pieces of my brain out. Can you check the back of my head for scars?

