There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Applesauce and a Stolen Peter (80s Edition)

It's been six days since I watched it. I could tell you that my grandfather died (true), that I had company here (also true), that I was discouraged by the complete and utter lack of food in this episode (sadly all too true), but the truth is, I forgot. I will endeavor to do better from now on.

Now where were we: Fringe, right. We ate pretzels and apple sauce in honor of Walter's culinary choices last episode, whenever that was. The pretzels were these puffy things that you cook in the oven in something like four minutes. Just amazing. And I think JayBah was enjoying her apple sauce just a little too much.

As for the episode, it was weird even for Fringe. We finally got to see how parallel universe Peter came to be in our world. I won't even attempt to explain it all, but the Walter we see here is more like our Walter than I would have imagined. It seems like they've softened him a bit, made his motives honorable where Peter is concerned, at least; but I was almost a little disappointed by this. Old Walter was a bastard. Old Walter conducted science experiments on children. Would Old Walter knowingly kidnap someone else's kid? That was an interesting question. The episode sidestepped it, although it did provide a plausible (by "Fringe" standards, anyway) explanation of how things came to pass.

One unintentionally hilarious thing: after Nina tries to stop Walter from going through the wormhole, she yanks her hand back and it's gone all fuzzy. After the Observer pulls Walter and Peter from the water, he tells them that Nina went to seek medical attention. Now what sort of medical attention do you give somebody with a wavy arm, exactly?

Oh how I missed this show. I really enjoyed the 80s style graphics and the 80s style music, as well as Walter showing off a cellphone to the DoD guys. Overall, a solid episode which actually DID deliver answers to our questions, much unlike Lost.

But no food! None. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.


  1. But weren't Walter and Olivia drinking scotch? :)

  2. Walter was, at least, but I have disqualified it on the grounds that scotch is not a food. And also that scotch is to me what food after midnight is to gremlins.

    We were pondering doing shots of iced tea, though.

  3. We have settled on blue jello jigglers and some kind of blue drink (I'm going to see what they've got at Safeway) in honor of Walter's cure that broke when he went through the wormhole.

    I hope they EAT something tonight...

  4. God I really want a soft pretzel now. So good. It was a total disappointment that there was no food here (I mean -- what? Focus on story? COME ON!) but sounds like you were thinking outside the box and have a good plan!

  5. OMG I forgot to post again. I think I'm going senile. Maybe someone has bits of my brain in a jar somewhere. OK -- I am going to eat some dinner and then post something incredibly witty and clever. Or the opposite of that. We'll see.

