There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peter Figures It Out (with Licorice)

This was a momentous week. First we had our first repeat food (licorice), as well as my first failed attempt to locate a Fringe food (Peek Freans). After much research, I found that Peek Freans, produced in the UK, are no longer sold in the US. They are sold in Canada, and I could have ordered some, but they would not have arrived here in time. Very frustrating. I called all over the Seattle area trying to locate a box, with no luck whatsoever.

I did however locate some chocolate licorice and some cookies that LOOKED like Peek Freans, and ate entirely too many of them. Was there something else I was going to talk about? Oh, right!

The show was pretty freaky this week. The shapeshifters are back, and stole the identities of a couple stoners. Then they started planting devices around town. Walter of course figured out what they were up to, and that a bridge was in the exact center of it. A bridge with the middle span missing (was this ever explained? I don't think so.)

So, Walter also builds a machine using a laptop that, by thumping on the ground, cancels out the magical transdimensional thingy that the shapeshifters are using to bring something (um, a bridge? why?) into our universe. But of course it doesn't work right, and Peter is left out on the bridge to attempt to get it working.

While he's out there an FBI agent gets vaporized, but nothing happens to Peter. When he wakes up in the hospital, he pieces together that he is not from this world, but the other one. Then he checks out of the hospital, and Olivia says that he's vanished. (Hello? Doesn't she work for the FBI or something?)

So -- in one episode Peter finally calls Walter "dad", and then renounces his dadship. Walter is going to be an absolute mess over this. But there was finally an unquestionable Walter food (pecan pie), and in one scene Walter was seen with peanut butter and what looked like homemade bread, so we know what we must do.


  1. Yay pie. I mean, this episode broke my heart - but YAY PIE!

  2. I am still hopeful Peter will come around. I mean, Walter for all his flaws is a pretty cool dad. And then there's Olivia, also. Their relationship is far from clear (deliberately, I'm sure), but there's definitely something there.

  3. I'm a little worried my friend... The preview for next week's 1940s-style episode screams "Jump the Shark" at me, but it's FAR too early in Fringe's existence for that!

  4. Oh, the X-Files did a 1940s episode and it was fine. I think they're just mixing it up a little. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of food they eat! I hope it's not a goose or something equally difficult to find.

  5. It's the musical episode. It could totally go either way, but I have faith (and drink the Fringe Kool-Aid) - it'll be awesome! :)

