There are three of us. For now, at least. We watch Fringe.

We noticed that Walter Bishop has a strange and often amusing tendency to become fixated on a certain kind of food on the show. I'm not sure whose idea it was, exactly, but we decided that no matter what Walter's food was, we'd get together the next week and eat it while watching the show. Unless it involves bugs.

Check back every week for that episode's glyphs (have you broken the code yet?) and a hint of what we're doing the week after.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Taffy and Time Travel

Our "food" this week was taffy.  Technically I'm not sure that's a food, but we are living in desperate times.  We also had espresso (or coffee, possibly; I am ignorant of caffeinated taxonomy) with chocolate and peppermint in it.

This week's episode was an exceptionally good one.  After a bit of confusion about who the guy on the train was (Peter Sellers?  No, he's dead... Peter Wellers?  Weller!), I knew it was going to be a strong episode if they bothered bringing someone of his caliber in.  It did not disappoint.  He played a scientist who had invented a way to travel through time, which apparently necessitated implanting wires and various bits of metal under his skin.  Walter referred to this as a Faraday cage, which do exist and are used for shielding from electrical impulses.  Sometimes people work inside them (and always for reasons which I can't describe but Google can probably explain), but I've never heard of someone putting one inside themselves.  (Or wearing one for that matter).  But this is Fringe, so we get freaky Cronenberg visuals.

There's a great dynamic that forms between Walter and the time traveling guy; it's like they form a social club for mad scientists.  Unfortunately it doesn't last.  Walter warns him that if he goes back and saves his wife, there will be unexpected consequences.  He explains a bit about how he's struggled with the Peter thing.  The time traveler ignores him though, and goes back; his consequences are much more immediate (and maybe more merciful) than Walter's.

Peter mentioned buying some Peek Freans for Walter.  I'm not sure I've ever had any, and my two companions had never heard of them.  They're British and I'm not sure I can find them out here on the West coast, but I will try.  Walter also was seen with a piece of licorice near his mouth, although he wasn't actually eating it.  That's close enough, particularly with the rough stretch we've had lately with food.  Chocolate covered Twizzlers it is!  That's our first repeat food so far.

Next week's episode, based on the preview, looks like concentrated awesomeness.


  1. Oh and it's worth mentioning that Anna Torv has shown up in HBO's "The Pacific", playing a blonde celebrity. Her second scene landed her in bed, in an energetic but soft-R rated romp. (If you're hoping to see her naked, keep hoping; I watched it again and in spite of what it suggested it was all elbows and ankles.)

  2. LOL "all elbows and ankles". I heard she was in this past week's chapter - I haven't watched yet. Now I know just to expect elbows and ankles.

    Also I'm glad you deciphered Peek Freans - I had no idea what Peter said.

  3. The show is shot in NYC, I believe -- presumably the writers are there, and that's where their food choices are coming from. I'm a little nervous that I won't be able to locate any Peek Freans out here in Seattle. But I will do my best!

    As for Anna Torv, her appearance was fairly brief but she looked really good... she definitely tones down her looks to play Olivia.

  4. To get all nerdy on you, it's shot in Vancouver now, but was shot in NYC last season. I think they just want Walter to be eating obscure British food - hey, maybe they're doing it on purpose to challenge you!!!!

    Oh - and Anna Torv is also getting a divorce now. So we have a chance!!!

  5. We? What's this "we" stuff??!? ;)

    Interesting -- did not know about Vancouver. That's maybe 3 hours from here by car. I'll just tell them "to stalk Anna Torv" when they ask me the purpose of my visit at the border.

  6. Peek Frean update: no longer sold in the United States. Apparently they are common(ish) in Canada, which may explain their presence on the show. I'm not driving to Canada to buy cookies though.

    Cost Plus import store may have them. (It's named that because everything is more expensive than you were expecting.)

  7. Update update: no Peek Freans to be had anywhere in the Seattle area. Getting them mailed here will take too long. This is my first Fringe food fail. :(

  8. How sad - maybe you can have them for the re-run or the DVD release.

  9. I think I'll continue looking for them and maybe throw them in the freezer if/when I locate any. That way we can eat them if we have another foodless episode.

